
El Segundo Chevron Refinery Working To Resolve Odor, Issues

El Segundo Chevron Refinery

Residents of Manhattan Beach have complained, particularly today, of a strong gas, sulfur odor. Here is what was said by Chevron El Segundo.

The Chevron El Segundo Refinery is at work fixing odor problems many have complained about today in the neighborhood [Sunday, Jan. 31]. This afternoon, spokesman Jeff Wilson told Manhattan Beach Patch, "We continue to make steady progress toward routine operations and we have also been responding to community calls about the odor and have now determined the source and are working quickly to remedy it and again apologize to our neighbors."

Many residents of Manhattan Beach in the Tree and Sand parts woke up this morning to find an odd odor either in their house or outside. The Southern California Gas Company and the South Coast Air Quality Management District were called by many residents to report the obnoxious odor to see if its source could be found.

An investigator from the SCAQMD visited the neighborhood of the Tree Section today and made phone calls to residents who had lodged official complaints. "We have remained in constant communications with all appropriate agencies including the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) who continues to monitor our operations and is on-site at the refinery today. We sincerely apologize to our neighbors for this unplanned event."We have remained in constant contact with all appropriate agencies, including the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), which continues to monitor our operations and is today on-site at the refinery. For this unplanned event, we sincerely apologize to our neighbors.

Between last Wednesday, Jan. 27, and Thursday, Jan. 28, the Chevron Refinery in El Segundo, which borders Manhattan Beach, witnessed at least two safety flare cases. Today, Chevron's spokesman said, "Chevron has been actively working to remedy the unplanned issues experienced at the refinery with a fundamental focus on minimizing use of our safety flares. At no point has the safety of our plant been at risk and our safety flare systems have performed as intended and designed."