How to Add Refinery Health & Safety Location To The Map
1 - Click on the Add button in the upper right corner of the map.
2 - Add the business, school or entity name, address, city, zip code and state.
3 - Click on the details tab to add a description of the site
4 - Add a link to a web site and phone number and email are optional.
Blue = Oil & Gas Health or Safety Issue Reported
Green = Oil & Natural Gas Drilling Sites
Purple = Power Plants
Yellow = Renewable Energy
Red = Oil & Gas Refineries
All submissions are subject to approval by the administrator.
1 - Click on the Add button in the upper right corner of the map.
2 - Add the business, school or entity name, address, city, zip code and state.
3 - Click on the details tab to add a description of the site
4 - Add a link to a web site and phone number and email are optional.
Blue = Oil & Gas Health or Safety Issue Reported
Green = Oil & Natural Gas Drilling Sites
Purple = Power Plants
Yellow = Renewable Energy
Red = Oil & Gas Refineries
All submissions are subject to approval by the administrator.